Approach to Service
We take pride in providing reliable, responsive, high quality service. Moreover, we measure our success by the results we achieve, the value we deliver and the relationships we build.
Client Focused
With AdminSure, you receive personalized service from a dedicated team of specialists who are assigned to your Program. They are familiar with your organization, its priorities and its needs. You can stay closely involved, or simply set guidelines and attend to other matters while we take care of the details.
Results Oriented
Your priorities become our mission. It may be that your main concern is spending no more than is necessary on your program, or fighting fraud and abuse, or promoting good will with the public, or taking care of your employees. Or, it may be that all of these things matter. Whatever your goals are, we work diligently to accomplish the desired results.
Good Communication
Your AdminSure representatives keep you informed about important developments in your Program. At the same time, they respond promptly to your requests and inquiries. You are kept in the loop for all things that matter to you. As good communication is the linchpin of a well-run Workers’ Compensation or Liability Program.
Solid Qualifications
Our people are well qualified – through their education, training and experience – to administer Workers’ Compensation and Liability Programs. They are properly certified according to State regulations. Continuing education keeps their knowledge up-to-date. Ongoing training sharpens their skills and enhances their professionalism.
Robust Systems
Carefully designed systems provide the support our people need to perform their jobs properly and efficiently. These systems include quality controls that ensure timely and accurate results. Documented standards, close supervision and internal audits produce a consistently high level of service, day-in and day-out.
Ethical Standards
Two standards we hold dear are integrity and transparency. Integrity is doing the right thing when nobody is watching. Transparency is being open and honest in both word and action. We incorporate these qualities into our daily operations as a matter of principle, in accordance with our commitment to being steadfast, reliable and trustworthy.
Strong Stewardship
As Third Party Administrators, we are fiduciary agents, authorizing expenditures and managing sensitive financial, medical and personal information for your organization. To ensure this responsibility is fulfilled with the utmost care, we employ stringent protocols to achieve high levels of accuracy, privacy and security.
Professional Conduct
Finally, we know that our conduct can have an impact on your public and employee relations. As such, it is our policy to treat everyone with courtesy and respect. Furthermore, it is our policy to conduct business with integrity, honesty and fairness at all times, in all situations.